Labels: Environment, Lahore School
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1/16/2011 01:35:00 PM,

Sidra Rana
Lahore School of Economics students (Ali Hannan Malik, Anam Baig and Riyan Durrani) represented Pakistan at the Seventh South Asian Economics Students Meet 2010 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
The South Asian Economics Students Meet, held annually, aims to bring together undergraduate students from five South Asian countries (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal) to discuss various aspects of economics pertaining to the South Asian region. This year’s theme was economic freedom and the impact of the global financial crisis. Renowned professors from different South Asian universities along with key note speakers from the World Bank and the Institute for Financial Management and Research in India were also present at the three day conference held from the November 29 to December 1, 2010. The conference was hosted jointly by the Economics Department of the University of Colombo and the Friedrich-Neumann Foundation (FNF).
Riyan Durrani participated as a Budding Economist and reached the final round, in which he was interviewed by an elite panel of judges with questions pertaining to his fields of interest in economics. He was offered at the IFMR in India.
Anam Baig presented a research paper on a sub-theme of economic freedom (access to sound money). After presenting in front of an auditorium full of professors and students of economics, Anam had to answer questions any of the judges had pertaining to her presentation. Currently, the paper is under an evaluation process and is a candidate for publishing in the FNF journal.
Ali Hannan Malik participated in the Quizonomics category, which was solely coordinated by the World Bank. Students from the different countries were shuffled and grouped into three teams competing against each other. Ali Hannan was selected by his fellow colleagues as the team leader bringing his team the award for the Overall Best Team. Ali Hannan was also selected by his team members to make an impromptu policy recommendation speech as required by each time in the last round of the Quizonomics competition.
The conference days were followed by a three day excursion in Colombo and other nearby cities and scenic locations. The students were also accompanied by ex Lahore School professor and researcher Dr. Syed Ali Hasanain.
South Asian Economics Students Meet 2010, Sri Lanka, Also
Labels: Lahore School, South Asia, Students Meet
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1/14/2011 02:27:00 PM,

Dr Nawazish Mirza is Associate Professor of Finance at Lahore School. He holds a PhD in Financial Markets and an MPhil in Quantitative Finance from Financial Markets Group at University of Paris (Dauphine). His PhD dissertation was awarded the highest French academic honour of “Très honorable avec felicitations” (US Equivalent of Summa Cum Laude). Before joining Lahore School, he has worked as Equity Analyst at BNP Paris Bas, Paris and as Financial Analyst at Pakistan Credit Rating Agency. His research interests include empirical asset pricing and quantitative risk management. He is on editorial advisory board of various academic journals of international repute including “The Journal of Portfolio Management, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Asian Journal of Accounting and Finance and Lahore Journal of Economics”. He teaches courses in areas of Risk Management and Financial Markets.
Dr Mirza is also an alumni of Lahore School of Economics (MBA Class of 2000).
LJB Labels: Alumni, Faculty
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1/08/2011 05:58:00 PM,

Saman Khan

Five undergraduate students from the Lahore School of Economics visited Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey under the Students Exchange Program between both the institutions. Umme Aimen Khakwani, Nabeeha Zubair, loisa Fakher, Ahmed Waleed and Muhammed Waleed Ikhlaq from the Lahore School attended the Winter Term 2010 at Bahcesehir University on Bahcesehir University’s Scholarship.
Cooperation Between Lahore School of Economics and Bahcesehir UniversityLabels: Lahore School, Students Exchange Program
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1/06/2011 03:06:00 PM,

Syed Ali Akbar Abbas Rizvi

The Lahore School of Economics won the best speaker award in the English category at the All Pakistan Bilingual Declamation at Pakistan held from the December 21 to 23, 2010 at Pakistan Air Force Academy Risaplur. The Lahore School was represented by Usman Laghari (English category) and Munam Ali (Urdu category) whereas Bilal Khalid was the chaperon. After intense battle between the orators Usman Laghari managed to break into the final round and subsequently won the best speaker award in that category.
Labels: Debates
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1/06/2011 12:21:00 PM,

Syed Ali Akbar Abbas Rizvi
Lahore School of Economics was declared the best delegation at the all Pakistan LUMUN 2010 - the largest Model United Nations conference in Pakistan.

he competition was attended by 120 teams from all over Pakistan and was held at the Lahore University of Management Sciences from December 21 to 26, 2010. Two teams represented the Lahore School. Team A won the best delegation award with eight delegates out of ten being declared best delegates in their respective committees. The countries represented by the team were Lebanon, Austria and Israel. The delegates who won were Syed Ali Akbar Abbas Rizvi (Austria in SPECPOL), Syed Haziq Masood (Lebanon in UNPY), Mohammad Owais Rana (Lebanon in WHO), Aimen Khalid Butt (Austria in UNIFEM), Farah Khalid Khan (Lebanon in WTO), Affaan Sherwani (Austria in UNDP), Umar Akram Sahi (Austria in SOCHUM) and Saad Sohail (Austria in HGA). Two delegates from team B (Shahraiz Javed Chishti (UNPY) and Ahmad Shahnawaz (IAEA) both representing Egypt) also won in their respective committees.
Labels: Debates
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1/06/2011 12:17:00 PM,

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