Advertising, Advertising Agencies and How an AD is Made
May 01, 2024
She then explained the structure and types of Ad agencies. BBDO, Ogilvy and Saatchi & Saatchi are full service advertising agencies with the same offerings. The difference lies in their structures and cultures, and in their clients. Full-service creative agencies offer a comprehensive range of creative services. They work on TVCs, radio advertising, social media advertising, and advertising through other media. They provide the advantage of working with big brands. However, a full-service agency may not provide all the services to a particular company (client). A client may be taking strategic services from a full-service creative agency but creative services from some other independent creative agency.
Digital agencies specialize in providing services for digital platforms and are focused on digital content including the shoots for reels or portrait-frame videos and the digital content. Media agencies are responsible for creating a full media plan for their clients, getting the companies on different morning shows or TV shows, getting them the prime-time spots for airing the ADs, alongside placing their products in game shows like ‘Jeeto Pakistan’.
The job of the PR agency is to get all the influencers on board. There is a pool of influencers targeted by the agency and then the final decision is made. However, now the same faces are doing the campaigns and the ADs again and again. Unfortunately, PR agencies are fewer in number in Pakistan.
Activation agencies implement strategies to engage customers and drive immediate action. Activation agencies are responsible for the flash mobs, on-ground samplings, and live taste tests. For example, Shan does a live demonstration of Shan Recipe, or if there is a cooking event at Carrefour. The Brand Ambassador Programs, and the representatives in retail outlets, are all under the JD of activation agencies. Billboard placements also come under their purview.
Ms Daniah then explained in detail what the Client (or the company or the brand which comes to the Agency) was like. She informed the class what different roles in the Agency were played by the Account Manager, the Strategist, the Creative Director, the Art Director, and the Digital Team.
She then explained how an Ad was made and what the steps in the process were, in which the Agency under the guidance of the Client, and in continuous collaboration with it, finishes the Ad (the Final Cut) when the Ad is launched.
She also discussed Ad testing. Most companies do not do concept testing with the consumers as it was very difficult for consumers to visualize an incomplete product. The chances of an Ad being successful go up if the Brief received by the Agency is “right”. A well-crafted brief encapsulates the background, problem statement, objectives, success metrics, mandatory requirements, and key starting points, providing a roadmap for crafting impactful campaigns. Sometimes you can also ask the Client for a starting springboard/insight or that what made you realize that you need such a campaign.
The class asked her a lot of questions and we were happy to host Ms Daniah as our trainer.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5/01/2024 08:56:00 AM,
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