Lahore School Debating Society
March 07, 2005
The Second LSE Declamation and Debating Competition (Urdu as well as English) is scheduled to be held on Saturday, Mar 12, 2005 in the City Campus of Lahore School of Economics. Good discussion on topics from March of Science” to “I am a Genetic Disaster” and many more is expected.
Labels: Debates, Lahore School
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/07/2005 09:34:00 AM,
City Campus
104 - C, Gulberg III,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Phones: 92-42-35714936, 38474385
Fax: 92-42-36560905
Main Campus
Intersection Main Boulevard Phase VI
Burki Road
Lahore, Pakistan.
Phones: 37254099, 37254311