Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Lahore School Distinguished Lecture Series

Dr. Sabiha Mansoor, Professor and Head Centre of English Language at the Agha Khan University was the Guest Speaker at Lahore School of Economics (Centre for Languages and Applied Linguistics) on Mar 7, 2006 at the City Campus. Dr. Sabiha spoke in length on Languages, Identity and Attitude.

Pakistan, as a multilingual country, faces numerous problems in language planning in higher education. There are concerns about the limited role of regional languages, lack of required materials in Urdu, and difficulties faced by students in English. Dr. Sabiha wil present finding of a nationwide survey of 2136 students, 121 Subject and English teachers of public and private sector colleges and universities from all capital cities of Pakistan, as well as 63 parents who responded to the questionnaire. Dr. Sabiha will discuss the background of students, their competency and use of mother tongue/regional languages, attitudes to languages, the availability and quality of materials, the role of regional languages in education, as well as language and socio-cultural outcomes.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/07/2006 09:18:00 AM,

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