Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Intra Lahore School Debating Championship 2006

Topic for the Third Intra Lahore School Parliamentary Debate was “ China is a threat for international stability.” Ahmad Iqbal, Khudhija Imam and Muhammad Ali Murtaza proposed the topic whereas Farahan Qasim, Umar Imtiaz and Umair Mustafa argued against. The motion was approved.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7/18/2006 03:14:00 PM,

Intra Lahore School Debating Championship 2006

Declamation Session (English and Urdu)

On the first day of the the Third Intra Lahore School Debating Championship, the topics given in declamation contest were:
  1. Positive Discrimination should be increased.
  2. What’s Past is Prologue.
  3. Nationalism is an infantile disease.
  4. The March of science has gone too far.
  5. The world is in safe hands.
  1. I am a genetic disaster.
  2. United States of Pakistan.
  3. A moment is all I am searching for…
  4. Ashes to ashes dust to dust; life is short so party we must.
  5. Divided we stand; United we fall.
Positions are as under:


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7/17/2006 05:20:00 PM,

Elections Association of Debaters

Elections of Lahore School of Economics Association of Debaters (LSEAD) were held during the general meeting of LSEAD members on July 8, 2006. Following were elected:

The elected council has appointed Wass-i-ur-Rehman, B.Sc and Omer Mustafa Masood BBA as executive members of the society.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7/09/2006 01:07:00 PM,

Lahore School Annual Debates – 2006

Third Intra LSE Debating Championship 2006 is being held at Lahore School Main Campus on 17-19 July 2006. Interested students can visit Main Campus (F -4) or register by email [] and get the details about debating rules and regulations.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7/07/2006 10:39:00 AM,

The Tablet PC For Faculty: A Pilot Project

Many recent studies on tablet PCs in higher education have focused on student users. The purpose of the Seton Hall University project described in “The Tablet PC For Faculty: A Pilot Project” was to test and evaluate faculty applications of tablet PCs apropos their contribution to teaching and learning. The report found only a limited number of faculty are interested in using tablet PCs but those that did found it made a positive contribution to the teaching and learning process [Via].

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7/03/2006 12:46:00 PM,

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