Lahore School of Economics

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What Went Wrong With the Mango Crop?

Mango is an important foreign currency earning fruit crop. Over 20 million metric tons of mangoes are grown through the tropical and sub-tropical world. India is the largest producer with Mexico and China competing for the second place, followed by Pakistan and Indonesia. In Pakistan, mango occupies the second position after citrus fruits in terms of area and production. But the output this year has been substantially low at 9-10 tons/ha, considerably less than the potential 20 tons/ha yield. Read the article by Sohaib Shahid, Lahore School BSc student - here.


Previous by Sohaib Shahid: Sugar shortage: a game well played by profiteers

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8/10/2006 09:00:00 PM,

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