Lahore School of Economics Parliamentary Debating Championship Concludes
March 06, 2008
Sidra Rana
The Second Lahore School Parliamentary Debating Championship concluded at Lahore School of Economics, Main Campus on Mar 4, 2008.
Teams from GUC, AKU, SISA, UET, Beacon House DHA, LGS, Kinnaird College, KEMU and Pioneer Media College, Delhi University, India participated in the Championship.
Motion for the house in the final was “ This house would endorse the elections 2008 as beacon of change and prosperity in Pakistan.” The final was judged by Sheryar Qureshi, Salman Naseer, Murtaza Kumail, Humayun and Umer Altaf.
Agha Khan University was declared winners of the Lahore School of Economics Parliamentary Debating Championship.
Labels: Debates
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/06/2008 03:46:00 PM,
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