Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Global Conference on Business and Economics, Florence, Italy

Saba Rana
Global Conference on Business and Economics (GCBE) is sponsored by International Journal of Business and Economics (IJBE) and Association for Business and Economics Research (ABER). Association for Business and Economics Research (ABER) is a multi-disciplinary academic and professional organization, which focuses on promoting interdisciplinary research of both a theoretical and practical nature.

It came as a pleasant surprise, when my paper got accepted for the Global Conference being held at University of Florence. Authors and discussants from all around the globe were to attend the conference. I presented my paper on the first day and received a very encouraging response. 

My session was conducted on the title of Ethics / Higher Education / Business Law Issues. The Chair person for this session was Yaman Erzurumlu from Dogus University, Istanbul. The presenters for the session were Janine Saba Zaka from Lebanese American University, she presented on “End of Semester Students Evaluation of Teaching Questionnaires: An indicator of Teaching Quality”, Belinda Crawford Camiciottoli from University of Florence, she presented on “Teaching Business: The Role of Language and Identity”, Cheng-Ping Chang and Hui-Fang Hsu from Southern Taiwan University, they presented on “The Study of Female Postgraduate Career Development base on Social Cognitive Theory”.

The title of my research paper was “Strategic Changes in Graduate Business Schools of Lahore”. My presentation and discussion session lasted for 30 minutes, it turned out that the chair person Yaman Erzurumlu was handling the business studies department in his University. After hearing my presentation he was highly impressed by the strategies adopted by the Business Schools of Lahore and he wanted to know the demand of our fresh graduates in the market. Janine Saba asked for my perception on the increasing competition in the education sectors. During the discussion session Belinda Crawford was curious to find out the factors that students consider before applying for admission in any university, also the procedure for selection of students in our university. Our Institution was in the lime light and discussants were curious to find out the system at the Lahore School of Economics. I felt auspicious to be a part of this prestigious institution.

It was an honour for me to present my Country and Lahore School of Economics at the Global Conference.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11/11/2008 12:47:00 PM,

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