Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Shamyla Chaudry

Ms. Shamyla Chaudry is Assistant Professor in Economics. She has an MSc. in Economics and Management from the Lahore School and a B.A. in Economics and Literature from Kinnaird College. She teaches introductory courses on economics, macroeconomics I, macroeconomics II and environmental economics at the Lahore School.

Ms. Chaudry was a gold medalist at Kinnaird College and she was awarded the medal for the best student in Pakistan Economy at the Lahore School. She has done research work on the Sialkot Surgical Goods Industry and various labour issues in Pakistan. She has also worked on the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Socio-Economic Security Programme as a contributor for the Pakistan Region. Recently, she was involved with research on the economic aspects of cousin marriages and worked with the Punjab Bureau of Statistics in collecting primary data for the Punjab consanguinity survey 2009-2010. Currently she is working on a project that analyses spillovers in technology adoption with researchers from Yale University, and ColumbiaUniversity,

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/03/2010 11:48:00 AM,

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