Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

The Lahore School Debate - 2011

Feb 4-8, 2011 

The Lahore School of Economics is hosting its fifth annual debate and declamation competition 2011 from February 4-8, 2011. The grand event will include an English Parliamentary, Urdu Parliamentary and Declamation competitions. The competition will follow the three on three Asians style for both English and Urdu competitions. With hundreds of competitors, many teams are participating, with 40 teams competing for English Parliamentary Championship, 16 teams competing for Urdu Parliamentary Championship, and 35 teams participating in the Declamations Competition. Teams from various institutions all over Pakistan, GCU, LUMS, AKU, FAST, UET, GIKI, UCL, LGS, SICAS to name a few, are participating. A special guest chief adjudicator, G. Rhydian Morgan from the United Kingdom, will also be joining the Lahore School host team. There will also be various social events such as a Formal Dinner, Masters Round, and a concert by Canadian band, Josh, as well.

The team: Waqas Arshad, Saad Khan Durrani, Zaid Nasir, Sidra Rana, Ahmed Iftikhar, Alishae Khar, Ali Akbar Abbas Rizvi, Umar Sahi, Anam Baig, Shahraiz Chishti, AB Hayat, Munam Ali, Affaan Khan Sherwani, Khawaja Talal Sadiq and Owais K. Rana

 Related: The Lahore School Debate 2010


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/03/2011 03:38:00 PM,

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