Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Lahore School of Economics Flood Relief Efforts

Lahore School of Economics has been working with flood-affected people in Jampur village since the Flood of 2010 caused devastation in the country and left countless people without shelter.

Through an independent initiative, Lahore School undertook the construction of 14 houses in Jampur village after carrying out a social-economic survey.

The team from Lahore School of Economics [Dr. Munir Ghazanfar, Nasir Mubarak,  Rabia Nadir, and students from M Phil (Environmental Studies)] class visited Jampur village in the first week of Mar 6,  2011, and handed over the possession papers of constructed houses to the residents.

Related: Lahore School of Economics Floor Relief Efforts

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/09/2011 02:16:00 PM,

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