Lahore School Research Work
June 21, 2011
Lahore School Research
Three research articles written by Dr. Mohammad Rafiq Khan Professor of Environmental Sciences, Center of Policy and Environment, Lahore School of Economics have been accepted for publication in Asian Journal of Chemistry- Standard International Journal with significant impact factor.
Their titles and abstracts are as under:
Biochemical 1nvestigation of Oil of Eugenia carophyllata by M. R. Khan and J. Iqbal
The oil of Eugenia carophyllata was extracted with petroleum ether and ethanol. The oil was subsequently investigated for its fundamental properties and antibacterial activity. The homogenized seeds and the residue of Eugenia carophyllata left after extraction were also checked only for antibacterial activity. It was observed that the homogenized seeds were active against Eschericia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The oil extracted with petroleum ether and ethanol were active against both organisms, while the residue left after extraction with petroleum ether was active against Eschericia coli but was inactive against Staphylococcus aureus. The residue left after extraction with ethyl alcohol was active against both the organisms.
The physical and chemical properties of oils were also determined and compared. The oils extracted were also subjected to thin layer chromatography to determine the polar and non-polar lipids.
Protease of Euphorbia pilulifera by M. R. Khan and Z. Iqbal
The content and characteristics of the protease present in the plant tissue of Euphorbia pilulifera, a latex plant commonly encountered in Pakistan as Dhokak were studied. The whole plant tissue was found rich in protease activity. It contained 9.6units/g protease activity in the whole plant tissue. The data on crude state characteristic of the protease of Euphorbia pilulifera indicated that the its crude extract contained acid, alkaline and neutral proteases. One of the enzyme components was thermo-labile that started deactivating at 40oC and another one thermo-stable, which started denaturing at 70oC. These indications were supported by the pH-profile of the crude enzyme and also by the pH-stability trends of the enzyme components. These profiles indicated that the dominant protease was neutral. The alkaline protease fell next in order, while acid protease seed to be present in small amount.
Cellulase of Trichoderma viride for Biological Degradation of Cellulosic Wastes by M. R. Khan and F. Amin
The microbial cellulase is under intensive investigation due to its expected use as a tool for biological degradation of cellulosic wastes. The production of cellulase by Trichoderma viride in 5% wheat bran medium with glucose as the carbon source was studied. The work was extended to investigate the biological degradation of cellulosic wastes such as banana stem, waste newspaper, waste plane paper, etc, during the growth of the organism due to the production of the cellulase activity. The results indicated that the organism produced two cellulases, one in the earlier phase and the second in the later phase. The cellulase produced in the earlier phase was in significant quantity and was subject to induction by the cellulosic substrates included in the medium. The banana stems, particularly, in the shredded form underwent a large degradation, as this material after inclusion in the medium, underwent 90% loss in weight. The results will hopefully help the world in production of sugar and ethanol from no-cost solid wastes and will offer partial solution to the ongoing food and energy crises along with an effective disposal of solid waste to keep environment clean.
Labels: Publications, Research
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/21/2011 10:56:00 AM,
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