Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Lahore School of Economics won Best Delegation Award in LUMUN 2012

Lahore School of Economics won the coveted LUMUN Best Delegation trophy for the second consecutive year. LUMUN enjoys the distinction of being the largest Model United Nations Conferences in all of Asia. This year, 2012, over 2000 individuals from over 100 institutions across the country gathered in LUMS to simulate various United Nation committees. Prominent amongst the universities were Lahore School, GIKI, NUST, LUMS, PU, FAST, BNU, IQRA, AIMC, Bharia University, Kinnaird College, Government College and UET.

The Lahore School of Economics team consisted of Abu Bakr Hayat, Affaan Sherwani, Umar Akram Sahi, Khawaja Talal Sadiq, Shahira Khan, Wasae Imran, Hamza Ghaznavi, Haziq Masood, Saad Sohail and Zain Hyder. The team won an unprecedented 8 out of 10 Best Delegate trophies and in addition two Honorable Mention Awards. Aitchison College stood second in the competition with a 6 out of 10 score. [Sidra Rana]


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1/21/2012 09:04:00 AM,

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