Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

‘Do it Now’ attitude for entrepreneurship and SME management

Monis Rahman, CEO, visited Lahore School of Economics on May 22, 2012and gave a talk at the Mehmood Chaudhry Library, addressing students from MBA and BBA. Starting with a brief introduction of, the talk followed to discussion on the importance and ‘the power of internet’ in this day and age and how online advertising is growing faster than any other form of advertising today.

The CEO also talked about what type of jobs to choose in the early stages of a career. He mentioned that it was important to get the right experience rather than the right salary package. He also added that it was always better to be an extrovert, and network with professionals, as networking could make wonders for a career.

For the entrepreneurs at the Lahore School, Monis Rahman advised them to “fail quickly,” when coming up with ideas for their own business, always be ready to “pivot” – shift position – towards where growth is, and always be innovative. By failing, he explained, entrepreneurs would be able to learn from the mistakes and come up with new ways to find success. He also recommended minimizing risk in the beginning. “Do today, what others will say five years later, ‘I wish I had done that five years ago’,” he said to the students, and “Don’t wait for anyone to do it for you,” to motivate the students. The speaker also told students about the ‘tremendous’ opportunities available in Pakistan, which were not given attention to  [Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin].

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5/23/2012 03:08:00 PM,

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