Career choices
March 26, 2013
Lahore School of Economics invited Mr. Adeel Anwar, Head of Organizational Development at Warid to deliver a lecture on interviewing skills on March 25, 2013.
Mr. Anwar started by explaining the difference between skill and competency. He advised the students to display variety of competencies in their interview in order to leave a good impression. The speaker said that creating a competency was an investment by an organization and in return it wanted the employee to deliver quality. The guest touched upon the competencies that were pre requisite for entering any organization. The list included integrity, fair mindedness, congenial personality, ability to cope with conflicting point of views, function under pressure and demonstrating discretion. The speaker said that the interviewee should keep in mind the examples of incidents where he/she had displayed these competencies and should always share these incidents with the interviewer when asked. The speaker advised the students to always keep in mind their areas of improvements and they should try to work towards making that weakness their strength. The guest also discussed the hard skills required at entry level. In this regard he threw light on computer proficiency, communication skills, analytical skills and knowledge of industry.
Mr. Anwar presented the analysis of major employers in Pakistan and suggested that the students should try to go in an organization through management training programs. He also gave an overview of the local job market and shared his opinion on which areas of industry should be targeted by the new entrants .The speaker also gave tips on writing and designing the CVs and cover letters [Atika Zaid].
Labels: Career, Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/26/2013 10:49:00 AM,
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