Second Annual International Conference on Entrepreneurship (ICE) “Entrepreneurship in Development”
October 23, 2013
Call for Paper
Conference and Academic Participation Invitation
Date of Conference: 8-9, Nov, 2013
Date of Conference: 8-9, Nov, 2013
Venue: Royal Palm Lahore, Pakistan
Call for Paper Deadline: 20th
Deadline for Registration 25th for all categories
Society for Urban and Rural Entrepreneurship (SURE Institute), and the Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship Society, invites the submission of abstracts or full papers for the International Conference of Entrepreneurship Lahore, Pakistan.
Participants in different scientific disciplines are invited to contribute in the context of topical issues of the conference “Entrepreneurship in Development”. That is to say a perspective on Entrepreneurship in development in developing countries and the experiences of the developed countries to gain knowledge from.
Download Brochure and Registration Form here
Our annual Conference on Entrepreneurship is dedicated to the development of Theory and Research on Entrepreneurship from a developing country perspective and its impact on developing world and the marginalized communities worldwide. We also wish to see the impact on women, minorities, and the indigenous entrepreneurial communities. The aim of this 02-days academic conference is to bring together scholars, practitioners, social workers and the youth exploring new frontiers of entrepreneurship. Besides discussing emerging concepts and themes of entrepreneurship there will be a display of innovative products, concepts and ventures by the young entrepreneurs and their supervising faculty.
The younger entrepreneurs from universities and schools will have an added vantage point to expose their innovative or social entrepreneurship ideas and ventures to the mature and knowledgeable visiting academics at the conference.
They will take position in the pavilion provided. We welcome concept papers, research papers, presenting quantitative, or qualitative data, as well as case studies, and practitioners success stories and more.
Conference Themes: There are several research suggestions and tracks of the conference. Scholars at all stages of their career and from all disciplines interested are invited. If students have successful projects of social or entrepreneurial nature are also invited. Call for paper conference is a great platform for all the graduate research students and paper presenters around the globe to present their research according to the theme of our conference, “Entrepreneurship in Development”. To take part in the conference as a paper presenter, you can identify the area of your interest from the key tracks.
Conference Themes: There are several research suggestions and tracks of the conference. Scholars at all stages of their career and from all disciplines interested are invited. If students have successful projects of social or entrepreneurial nature are also invited. Call for paper conference is a great platform for all the graduate research students and paper presenters around the globe to present their research according to the theme of our conference, “Entrepreneurship in Development”. To take part in the conference as a paper presenter, you can identify the area of your interest from the key tracks.
Labels: Entrepreneurship
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/23/2013 12:12:00 PM,
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