Foreign Direct Investment and Technological Capabilities: Relevance of the East Asian experience for Pakistan
March 27, 2014
This paper makes the case for a vigorous policy thrust to support investment led growth. The Pakistan economy has not maintained a sufficient level of capital formation to sustain growth over the long-term. Two-thirds of current growth is driven by consumption and not investment: that needsto be turned around. Government needs to put in place an investment regime that motivates and induces industry to invest, innovate and reinvest.Foreign direct investment can play an important role. There is also need for deliberate polices to boost technological capabilities in the enterprise sector. East Asia did this with great success, creating a dynamic process of capital formation and technological learning that upgraded productive capacity and underpinned export success.
About the presenter:
Dr. Hamdani started as a Research Economist at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics in 1975 and went on to serve with the United Nations for the next 30 years. He was a Director in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). His Division produces the annual World Investment Report. He created the United Nations program on investment policy reviews, which was declared a “valuable mechanism” by the G-8 Heads of State Summit in 2007. He has provided policy advice and training to investment officials in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. He has interacted with governments at the highest level: most recently, he was a keynote speaker at the ministerial meeting of the Economic Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation,held in Istanbul in November 2013.
He has prepared many UN reports, in the areas of foreign investment, transfer of technology and trade. He was on the expert advisory team for the recent Human Development Report 2013. He is a graduate of Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities, and holds a doctorate in economics.
Labels: CREB, Pakistan, Pakistan Economy
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/27/2014 01:30:00 PM,
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