Lahore School of Economics

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Proscriptive Norms in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger

Dr. Nadia Anjum, Head MA/MPhil English Literature Programme and Advanced Research, Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore

The paper attempts to explore the proscriptive norms in Aravind Adiga’s novel The White Tiger (Indian). The objective is to critique the evolution of an entrepreneurial self as a post-post colonial/south Asian identity. The storyline may seem simple and the narrative straight forward yet the apparent simplicity of the protagonist’s curriculum vitae entails much broader issues of identification and cultural certification. It streamlines the “need” for “Self Actualization” by scaling up Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Analyzed against the theories of eco cultural and social linguistics, the text lends itself to an eclectic approach. The analysis endorses the finding that in South Asian cultural context identities are sanctified by dual predisposition: self standards and market mechanisms, determined by ecological position (in terms of exploitation, penetration, fragmentation, and marginalization).

About the presenter:

With 25 years of teaching and administrative experience, Nadia Anjum is currently heading the MA/MPhil English Literature Programme & Advanced Research at Kinnaird College for Women, one of the premier institutions of Lahore, Pakistan. She did her Senior Cambridge from Convent of Jesus and Mary, and Bachelors and Masters from Kinnaird College for Women. She topped in the Punjab in MA I and MA II and was awarded two Gold Medals. She was also nominated for National Quaid-e-Azam merit scholarship going on to pursue a PGD in TEIL (a collaboration between the British Council and the University Grants Commission Pakistan. She stood first with A+); later MA TEFL and a PhD from University of Reading, UK; and USA. She is a member BOS and External Examiner for GCU, LCWU, GIFT, and research supervisor for BNU. She cleared her CSS but opted for teaching. She has Have research publications to her credit, was awarded the Star Laureate Award-South Asia Publication 2008 in recognition of her achievements in the field of education. She has also co-authored the book on “Human Rights through Education” 2005-(OUP) which received the highest British Eltech Award. Currently, she is involved in a research fellowship with Arizona State University (ASU).


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/03/2014 12:40:00 PM,

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