Lahore School of Economics

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Sales Force Management

Mr.Usman Shahid, Marketing Manager – PepsiCo, was at the Lahore School of Economics on March 10, 2015 to deliver a lecture on sales to the graduating MBA class.

Mr. Shahid explained the key aspects of sales. He said that sales were more about managing people than selling a product. It was about the human psyche and the tactful ways . Sales is a very interesting and progressive profession.

Mr. Shahid said that it was critical to understand the decision making unit, the beet concept and order booking. He also spoke about the pressure and hardships a sales person faced. Moving on to the qualities he said that a sales person should possess good interpersonal skills, hard skills and soft skills.  He explained that sales was an attractive career and one should consider it without hesitation.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/14/2015 01:08:00 PM,

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