Lahore School of Economics

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Lahore School of Economics Third Annual Social Sciences conference concludes

Lahore School of Economics Third Annual Social Sciences conference concluded this afternoon. Focus of the conference on the second day was on “Pakistan Beyond 2015: Changing Geo-Strategic Dynamics and Politico-Cultural Change.”

The day started with opening remarks by Prof. Sajjad Naseer who appreciated the commitment of Dr. Shahid Chaudhry, the Rector Lahore School of Economics, towards expansion of the discipline of political science within the School. He elaborated upon the theme as an effort to see Pakistan in terms of its future possibilities rather than digging into the past. The opening remarks were followed by a keynote address by Mr. Khursheed Mahmud Kasuri who discussed the geopolitical importance of Pakistan and the political perils and challenges it places it into. He expressed his opinion that we must learn from the experiences of the past and make decisions based on our national interests.

The first session of the day was chaired by Ambassador Shamshad Ahmad Khan. The first speaker of the session Dr. Hassan Askari Rizvi explored the challenges that need to be taken into account with respect to the foreign policy of Pakistan. Dr. Saeed Shafqat, Director, School of Public Policy, FCCU, looked into the dynamics of Pakistan-US Relations while Mr. Zafar Jaspal focused on the nuclear issue in the regional context. Ambassador Shamshad Ahmad Khan, Former Foreign Secretary, Pakistan summed the entire discussion by pointing out that the political vacuum that has led to military intervention in the state in the past continues to effect it.

The second session was chaired by Prof. Sajjad Naseer, Senior Fellow, Lahore School of Economics. In this session Dr. Hassan Karrar Assistant Professor of History, LUMS, Mr. Zafarullah Khan, Director (CCEP), Mr. Arif Nizami and Ms. Salman Butt discussed Pakistan in relation to the China’s New Silk Road Initiative, assessed the provincial efforts to implement the 18th amendment, role of Pakistani media and the problems and challenges encountered by the Pakistani youth respectively.

Both sessions of the day were followed by an interactive session with the students of the Lahore School of Economics who raised various concerns and questioned the speakers about their papers.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/03/2015 04:57:00 PM,

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