Brand and Advertising Management
June 02, 2015
Mr. Omer Malik, General Manager Snacks – PepsiCo visited the Lahore School of Economics to deliver a lecture on “Brand and Advertising Management” to the graduating MBA class on May 27, 2015.
Mr. Malik explained how a brand is created and executed. Presentation started with four points of creating and sustaining a successful brand. “Quality, differentiation, profit, consumer preferences, right price, name, recognition, association, trust and innovation are all very important in order to make a brand successful and sustainable,” he said.
The second half of the presentation was based on the brand journey of “Kurkuray”. He talked about how the brand was launched and failed initially and the strategy the company adopted later to make the brand a great success for the company. This journey of making Kurkuray a success included refreshing the brand, changing its formulation to 100% corn and proposition with on value communication to drive trial. Another way that the failed brand gained popularity was by endorsing it with cooking shows and famous celebrity chefs and new communication concepts like TVCs.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/02/2015 10:33:00 AM,
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