Lahore School of Economics

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SMEDA and its Role in Promoting Entrepreneurship in Pakistan

Muhammad Alamgir Chaudhary, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA), elaborated upon his perception of Entrepreneurship; a dynamic process of creating incremental wealth at the Lahore School seminar on 28 October 2015. The event was attended by Dr Azam Chaudhry (Dean of Economics Department), Prof F.A Fareedy (Patron) and Faizan Khalid (Executive Member). SMEDA offers a wide range of enterprise development support activities a few of which comprise of Entrepreneurship Development Training, Publications (secrets of E-Commerce, Trade Secrets, How to approach banks etc).

At the seminar Mr Alamgir told the graduating business students about “Entrepreneurship as Career option.” According to him SMEDA provides opportunities to the young entrepreneurs through their Common Facility Centers, PDSP Projects and latest technology. Mr. Alamgir explained briefly about the ups and downs every entrepreneur can face, and the opportunities the graduating students can avail through their possible areas of investment in Pakistan.

Over 85 Pre-feasibility studies and 28 sector strategies are publicly available on the Authority (SMEDA) website for benefit of SMEs.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11/04/2015 09:53:00 AM,

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