Lahore School of Economics

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International Conference on the Pakistani Diaspora: Strengthening Linkages Between Host and Home Countries

Lahore School of Economics

Centre on International Migration, Remittances and Diaspora


February 16-17, 2016

International Conference on The Pakistani Diaspora: Strengthening linkages between host and home countries

DAY 1: Tuesday, 16 February, 2016

Opening Session

Welcome Remarks: Dr. Rashid Amjad, Professor of Economics, Lahore School of Economics and Director, Centre on International Migration, Remittances and Diaspora (CIMRAD)

Inaugural Address: Mr. Stefano Gatto, Minister - Counselor, Deputy Head of Delegation, European Union Delegation to Pakistan

Keynote Address: Dr. Ishrat Husain, Director, Institute of Business Administration and former Governor, State Bank of Pakistan

Session 1 - Overview of the Pakistani Diaspora

Chairperson: Professor Philippe Fargues, Robert Schuman Chair, Director of the Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute (EUI)

Mapping the Pakistani Diaspora: Context and Connectivity

Dr. Fareeha Zafar, Professor of Development Studies, Lahore School of Economics and Deputy Director, Centre on International Migration, Remittances and Diaspora (CIMRAD)


Dr. Imran Ali, Rector and Dean, Karachi School of Business and Leadership (KSBL)

Session 2 - The Gulf Corridor

Chairperson: Dr. Ibrahim Awad, Professor and Director of the Center for Migration and Refugee Studies (CMRS), The American University in Cairo (AUC), and former Director, Migration Department, International Labour Organisation Pakistan and the Gulf

Dr. Nasra Shah, Professor, Department of Community Medicine and Behavioural Sciences, Kuwait University

The Cost of Migration

Dr. Rashid Amjad, Professor of Economics, Lahore School of Economics and Director, Centre on International Migration, Remittances and Diaspora (CIMRAD)

Dr. G.M. Arif, Joint Director, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics

Dr. Nasir Iqbal, Research Analyst, Benazir Income Support Programme


Mr. Manolo Abella, Senior Research Associate, Centre on Migration Policy and Society, Oxford University, UK and former Director, Migration Department, International Labour Organisation

Session 3 - European Corridor and the Migration Crisis in Europe

Chairperson: Mr. Manolo Abella, Senior Research Associate, Centre on Migration Policy and Society, Oxford University, UK and former Director, Migration Department, International Labour Organisation

The Impact of the Influx of Refugees on the EU Economy

Dr. Yannos Papantoniou, President, Centre for Progressive Policy Research and former Minister for Economy and Finance, Greece

2015: The year we mistook refugees for invaders

Professor Philippe Fargues, Robert Schuman Chair, Director of the Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute (EUI)


Mr. Stefano Gatto, Minister - Counsellor, Deputy Head of Delegation, European Union Delegation to Pakistan

Dr. Ali Nobil, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Lahore University of Management Sciences

Session 4 - Education and Knowledge Corridor

Chairperson: Dr. Rashid Amjad, Professor of Economics, Lahore School of Economics and Director, Centre on International Migration, Remittances and Diaspora (CIMRAD)


Dr. Akbar Zaidi, Visiting Professor, Columbia University, New York and IBA, Karachi

Dr. Ghazala Mansuri, Lead Economist in the Global Practice on Poverty and Equity and in the Development Research Group, World Bank, Washington DC

Dr. Khalil Hamdani, Former Director, Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development, United Nations Conference on Trade and Sustainable Development (UNCTAD) and Visiting Professor, Lahore School of Economics

Dr. Amir Hassan Shah, Vice Chancellor, Government College University, Lahore

DAY 2: Wednesday, 17 February, 2016

Session 5 - UK Corridor

Chairperson: Dr. Nasra Shah, Professor, Department of Community Medicine and Behavioural Sciences, Kuwait University

The Pakistani Diaspora in UK: Evolution, Integration and Challenges

Ms. Laraib Niaz and Ms. Sidla Nasir, Research Associates, Centre on International Migration, Remittances and Diaspora (CIMRAD)

Political Remittance between the UK and Pakistan

Dr. Parveen Akhtar, Lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences, Bradford University, UK

A UK exploration of the impact of transnational marriage on spouses from Pakistan

Dr. Marta Bolognani, Research Associate, Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, Bristol University, UK


Ms. Adeeba Malik CBE, Deputy Chief Executive, QED-UK

Session 6 - US Canada Corridor

Chairperson: Dr. Marta Bolognani, Research Associate, Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, Bristol University, UK

Emergence of the Pakistan-North America Diaspora

Ms. Naimal Fatima, Research Fellow, Centre on International Migration, Remittances and Diaspora (CIMRAD)

Us Zindabad: The Pakistani Diaspora in the United States

Mr. Michael Kugelman, Senior Associate for South and South East Asia, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC


Session 7 - Investment and Business Corridor

Chairperson: Mr. Tariq Saigol, Chairman, Kohinoor-Maple Leaf Group


Ambassador (retd.) Shahid Malik, former Ambassador of Pakistan to Canada

Mr. Aqeel Ismail, Director, Al-Dar Holdings, Dubai

Mr. Nasim Mohammad, President, Galleria Holding, Lahore

Session 8 - Remittances and the Diaspora

Chairperson: Dr. Naved Hamid, Director, Centre for Research in Economics & Business (CREB), Lahore School of Economics


Ms. Asma Khalid, Senior Joint Director, State Bank of Pakistan

Dr. Enrique Blanco Armas, Lead Country Economist, World Bank, Pakistan

Mr. Sakib Sherani, Chief Executive, Macro-Economic Insights and former Principal Economic Advisor, Ministry of Finance

Dr. Rashid Amjad, Professor of Economics, Lahore School of Economics and Director, Centre on International Migration, Remittances and Diaspora (CIMRAD)

Session 9 - Policies to Leverage the Diaspora for Development

Chairperson: Dr. Khalil Hamdani, Former Director, Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development, United Nations Conference on Trade and Sustainable Development (UNCTAD) and Visiting Professor, Lahore School of Economics

Role government and other agencies can play in leveraging diasporas

Dr. Marta Erdal, Senior Researcher, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Diaspora engagement: Any lessons from China and India?

Dr. Piyasiri Wickramasekara, Vice-President, Global Migration Policy Association, Geneva
Leveraging diaspora for development: Is there a need for special policies?

Dr. Manolo Abella, Senior Research Associate, Centre on Migration Policy and Society, University of Oxford, UK and former Director, International Migration Programme, International Labour Organization


Mr. Ali Sarfaraz Hussain, Secretary Labour, Punjab Government

Dr. Ibrahim Awad, Director, School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, The American University, Cairo, and UK and former Director, International Migration Programme, International Labour Organization

Concluding Session

Chairperson: Dr. Piyasiri Wickramasekara, Vice-President, Global Migration Policy Association, Geneva

Messages from the Conference

Dr. Rashid Amjad, Professor of Economics, Lahore School of Economics and Director, Centre on International Migration, Remittances and Diaspora (CIMRAD)

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/15/2016 02:31:00 PM,

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