Lahore School of Economics

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Lahore School Annual Play 2016

Dramatics Society in Lahore School of Economics organized two plays on 11th and 12th April 2016: Punjabi classical folklore Heer by Warish Shah and a farcical comedy Charley’s Aunt by Brandon Thomas.

It has been 250 years since Waris Shah’s magnum opus, Heer was written in Malka Hans, Punjab. The qissa undoubtedly stands at the centre of the Punjabi literary tradition, echoing across time, across genres, reinventing itself through the works of poetic giants such as Madhu Lal Hussain, Bulleh Shah and Sachal Sarmast. In addition to its intellectual value, Heer Waris has also had a vibrant performative life, animating Punjab’s folk tradition and consciousness through popular music and theatre. Today, the place of Heer Waris in the local imaginary is shrinking rapidly, making it more important than ever to re-visit the monumental epic to try to re-vitalise the historical cultural links which Punjab has lost.

In Charley’s Aunt Jack Chesney loves Kitty Verdun and Charley loves Miss Amy Spettigue. They invite the ladies to meet Charley's wealthy aunt from Brazil, "where the nuts come from". Cancelling her visit at the last minute, the millionaire aunt sends the boys into cataclysmic confusion. What do they do now? The problem is solved by drafting their feckless Oxford undergrad pal into a black satin skirt, bloomers and wig. As "Charley's Aunt", this charming frump is introduced to the ladies, to Jack's father and to Stephen Spettigue, Amy's guardian. When the real aunt turns up, classic comic confusion ensues as FancourtBabberley, posing as "Charley's Aunt", tricks Spettigue into agreeing to the marriage of his ward, the real aunt marries Jack's father, Jack gets Miss Verdun, and Fanny Babs regains the fortune he lost at gambling as well as the girl he loves.

Both the plays were directed by Faheem Muzaffar and assistant directors were MahamTassadaq and Ahsan Sohail.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/26/2016 12:48:00 PM,

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