Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Lahore School of Economics Quality Enhancement Cell

The Lahore School of Economics reconstituted its Quality Enhancement Cell. The following are the members of the reconstituted QEC:

1. Dr. Azam Chaudhry, Professor and Dean, Department of Economics and Head QEC
2. Ms. AmberinTanveer, Director, QEC
3. Ms. MamoonaNazeer, Deputy Director, QEC
4. Ms. Sehrish Khan, Senior Assistant Director, QEC
5. Ms. Rabia Rauf, Assistant Director, QEC
6. Ms. KhadeejaIdrees, Assistant Director, QEC
7. Ms. Sundus Farooq, Assistant Director, QEC

Membership of International Bodies:

The Lahore School of Economics renewedmemberships of the following International Bodies during the year 2016-17:

1. Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN)
2. International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)

Events, Seminars and Conferences attended, participated and contributed:

1. “Progress Review Meeting for Review of Internal Quality Assurance Mechanism in Universities” organized by Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), Higher Education Commission, Islamabad, attended by Ms. AmberinTanveer, Director. Quality Enhancement Cell, Lahore School of Economics, from September 21-22, 2016.

2. Ms. Ambreen Kashif, Senior Lecturer, Center of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Lahore School of Economics, conducted an Awareness Seminar on, “Introduction to Lean Six Sigma in Higher Education”for the Business Faculty, December 13, 2016.

3. Ms. Ambreen Kashif, Senior Lecturer, Center of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Lahore School of Economics, conducted an Awareness Seminar on, “Introduction to Lean Six Sigma in Higher Education” for the Economics Faculty, December 15, 2016.

4. Deputy Director QEC attended a seminar on “Producing Effective Graduates A Challenge for Quality Assurance in Higher Education”, organized by Virtual University Pakistan and University of Education, Lahore, on December 28, 2016.

5. Deputy Director QEC attended “World Quality Day”, organized by Quality Enhancement Cell, Punjab University, Lahore, on February 08, 2017.

6. Director QEC attended a Workshop on, “Quality Assurance and Governance” of QECs organized by Higher Education Commission Tertiary Education Support Program, from March 27 - 29, 2017.

7. Deputy Director QEC and Assistant Director QEC attended a Workshop on, “Quality Assurance and Governance” of QECs organized by Higher Education Commission Tertiary Education Support Program, from April 10 -12, 2017.

8. Mr. Salman Ehsan, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Lahore School of Economics, conducted an Awareness Seminar on, “ISO 9000 – Overview and Relevance to Higher Education Institutes” for the Business Faculty, April 18, 2017.

9. Mr. Salman Ehsan, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Lahore School of Economics, conducted an Awareness Seminar on, “ISO 9000 – Overview and Relevance to Higher Education Institutes” for the Economics Faculty, April 20, 2017.

10. Director QEC attended a Training organized by QAA, HEC, Islamabad on “Pre Visit Preparation of IPE, MS/MPhil. & PhD Program Review”, May 05, 2017.

11. Director QEC attended APQN Conference and Annual General meeting on “New Horizons: Dissolving Boundaries for a Quality Region” and presented the paper titled, “Internal Quality Assurance and Quality Culture: Evidence from Lahore School of Economics” from May 25-28, 2017 in Moscow, Russia.

12. Assistant Director QEC attended a seminar on “How to Create Quality Culture in Higher Education” organized by Lahore School of Management, on June 06, 2017.

13. Director QEC attended and presented a seminar on “How to Create Quality Culture in Higher Education” organized by Lahore School of Management, on June 06, 2017.

The Lahore School’s Self Assessment Process during 2016-17 was as follows;

A Self Assessment Report was prepared for the following fourteen programs;

1. BSc. (Hons.) with Double Major in Economics and Political Science
2. BSc (Hons.) with Major in Economics and Minor in Environmental Policy
3. BBA (Hons.) with Double Major in Economics and Marketing
4. BS (Hons.) with Double Major in English and Communication Studies
5. PhD in Economics
6. MPhil in Development Studies
7. BS (Hons.) Social Sciences with Major in English and Minor in Media Studies
8. BS (Hons.) Social Sciences with Major in Political Science and Minor in Media Studies
9. BS (Hons.) Social Sciences with Major in Political Science and Minor in Management
10. BS (Hons.) Social Sciences with Major in English and Minor in Management
11. BS (Hons.) Social Sciences with Major in Political Sciences and Minor in Economics
12. MPhil in Environmental Science & Policy
13. MPhil in Business Administration (Research)
14. PhD in Business Administration

All data pertaining to preparation of Self Assessment Reports was gathered from relevant Program Teams. Assessment Teams had been formed and the Self Assessment Reports have been reviewed by these teams. The recommendations were incorporated into the Implementation Plans prepared by Heads of the Departments.

Follow up has been carried out on 2015-16 Implementation Plans for the previous Self Assessment Reports. In addition the yearly Progress Report was compiled for review by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/21/2017 11:45:00 AM,

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