Lahore School of Economics

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Redefining Marketing through Cause-Related Campaigns

Mr. Saad Munawar, Head of Colas at PepsiCo, Pakistan visited the Lahore School on 21 November 2017 to talk to the MBA participants on Redefining Marketing through Cause-Related Marketing campaigns.

Saad, during his impressive presentation, emphasized three aspects of marketing. First was the use of data. He said that Uber before entering Asia had spoken to some 12000 persons in Asia. Good data avoids thousands of conversations and meets myriads of objections. In beverages, just like in other FMCG categories, one needs data on gender, age, lifestyle, where consumed and where purchased, but also one needs a combination of more than one variable such as age by time of consumption.

Secondly, one needed a model of building brands. PepsiCo emphasized salience, relevance, preference and distinction. Salience would include top of mind, relevance would include functional and emotional needs of consumers and the company’s delivery against those needs, and without distinction all three may be useless.

Thirdly, the whole idea of marketing and branding is to create loyalty beyond reason. Why, after all, did one buy Apple and not say any other band which had the same technical advantages? It could be the idea of an Apple Community.

With this in mind PepsiCo had initiated its project Liter of light in Pakistan. Data shows that on such diverse dimensions as Lov, Buzz, and even Taste, the scores from consumers went up significantly post-Liter of Light campaign. Some 100,000 lights have lighted up areas as far as Kalaam, Badeen, Thatta and Qila Saifullah.

Saad’s lessons to the participants on cause-related marketing were a) the cause should be relevant both to the company and the target audience b) the company had to stay authentic, which meant true and consistent c) the company must find credible partners d) the use of social media was a must e) timing mattered and f) the cause should be related to and increase the perceived benefit.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12/05/2017 12:20:00 PM,

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