Lahore Journal of Economics
July 20, 2018
The Lahore Journal of Economics, Volume 23-1, January-June, 2018, is now available online. The full-text articles are available here.
This issue comprises of the following articles:
Modified Variance Ratio Test for Autocorrelation in the Presence of Heteroskedasticity
Sohail Chand and Nuzhat Aftab
Given that autocorrelation tests do not perform well in the presence of heteroskedasticity and in variance-break cases, we present three modified weighted variance ratio tests of autocorrelation. The numerical results show that the proposed tests perform better for small samples. They provide a better approximation of asymptotic distributions and are more powerful when the lag length is mis-specified. The study also applies these tests to data on the daily returns of two companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange.
The Paradigm Shift in the Pakistan Stock Exchange’s Financial Integration Post-FTA and CPEC
Abdul Wahid and Muhammad Zubair Mumtaz
This paper examines whether regional connectivity causes return and volatility spillovers and the co-movement of stock exchanges to shift from international to regional markets. Using the China-Pakistan free trade agreement (FTA) of 2006 and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) agreement to represent events of regional connectivity, we test this proposition based on data for two regional stock exchanges (the Pakistan Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange) and two global markets (the FTSE 100 and Nasdaq). We divide the convergence and co-integration of the stock markets into three phases: overall sample (2001–17), pre-FTA and post-FTA, and pre-CPEC and post-CPEC. Applying a GARCH (1, 1) model, co-integration, Granger causality and seasonality, we find that regional connectivity causes return and volatility spillovers and co-movements in the Pakistan Stock Exchange to shift from international markets to regional markets.
Exchange Rate Exposure and Firm Value: An Assessment of Domestic Versus Multinational Firms
Hajra Ihsan, Abdul Rashid and Anam Naz
This paper examines the impact of exchange rate changes on the stock returns of 232 nonfinancial firms listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange, for the period January 2000 to June 2014. To mitigate the problem of heteroskedasticity, we use a generalized least squares estimator. The estimated regression models indicate that exchange rate variations have a significant effect on firm value and that firms are exposed significantly to one-period lagged variation in the exchange rate. Our results suggest that, in addition to exchange rate dynamics, increased exchange rate volatility appears to have significant and negative effects on firms’ stock returns. Compared to domestic firms, multinational firms experience greater exchange rate exposure. Finally, we show that exchange rate depreciation and appreciation have significant differential effects on firms’ stock returns. These effects vary significantly across domestic and multinational firms.
Market Returns to Education in Pakistan, Corrected for Endogeneity Bias
Sajjad Haider Bhatti, Muhammad Aslam and Jean Bourdon
This paper estimates the Mincer wage model for Pakistan’s labor market, using a relatively recent dataset and new independent variables. We employ instrumental variables and two-stage least squares to address the problem of the endogeneity of education. Our results show that the returns to education are biased downward due to endogeneity, with significant wage gaps emerging among different regions, between genders and between urban and rural job markets. The study’s choice of instruments has conceptual as well as empirical grounds. Our findings establish that the wage determination process is different for males and females across provincial labor markets.
Financial Development and Output Volatility: A Cross-Sectional Panel Data Analysis
M. Tariq Majeed and Ayesha Noreen
This paper aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of financial developments on output volatility. Using cross-sectional and panel datasets for 79 countries from 1961 to 2012, we find that financial expansion plays a significant role in mitigating output volatility, although the evidence is weak in some cases. The role of financial stability is more prominent than that of other measures of financial growth in mitigating output volatility. The volatility of terms of trade and inflation contributes positively to increasing output volatility. We also evaluate the channels through which financial developments can affect output volatility. Our model investigates the link between financial growth and output volatility through two potential channels, using four measures of financial development. The volatility of inflation and of terms of trade are used as proxies for monetary sector and real sector volatility, respectively. Financial development plays a mixed role in amplifying or mitigating output volatility through real and monetary sector volatility. Overall, there is some evidence to suggest that financial development amplifies monetary sector volatility, but weaker evidence that real sector volatility is reduced by financial development.
Testing the Governance-Productivity Nexus for Emerging Asian Countries
Ghulam Mustafa and Muhammad Jamil
This paper presents panel data estimates of the relationship between governance, aggregate labor productivity (ALP) growth and total factor productivity (TFP) growth for 12 Asian economies between 1996 and 2013. Our results show that government effectiveness has a positive and significant effect on ALP in both levels and first differences. Regulatory quality has a positive impact on ALP only in first difference. Although both government effectiveness and regulatory quality have a positive effect on TFP growth in first difference, only political stability is significant and positive in the levels specification. Other findings indicate that physical capital and human capital have a positive effect on ALP growth. We also find evidence of positive spillover effects with respect to human capital. The positive association between governance, economic growth and productivity provide a better understanding of the role of governance in enhancing economic performance. Our findings have policy implications for ways to achieve good governance to enhance economic growth and productivity.
Labels: Lahore Journal of Economics, Lahore School, Publications, Research
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7/20/2018 02:10:00 PM,
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