Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Alumni Meet

The Lahore School of Economics hosted Alumni Meet on 17 November 2018 at the Burki Campus. The topic of discussion for the day was “Entrepreneurship.” More than 120 alumni from diverse areas of businesses attended the event.

Dr. Shahid Amjad Chaudhary, the Rector Lahore School of Economics welcomed the guests and briefely introduction of the Lahore School Technology Innovation Centre and the new Lahore School Incubation Lab. Dr. Azam Chaudhary, the Dean of Economics emphasized on the Incubation Center launched purpose that is to provide support to Lahore School alumni. Ms. Shumyla Chaudhary, President of the Alumni Club praised the young Entrepreneurs of Lahore School and commended on their work that they are giving back to the society in so many ways. Dr. Sohail Zafar, Dean of Business school also thanked the alumni for taking time out for the event.

Mr. Faizan Khalid, Head Lahore School Incubation Lab introduced LSIL to the alumni and talked about different services that LSIL will be offering. These include Incubation Program, Workshop & Lecture Series and Mentoring & Networking. He said LSIL is going to be a one of a kind Incubation Lab with state of the art technology, mentorship and networking opportunities. In his presentation Mr. Faizan Khalid stated some facts on how Pakistan is a land of opportunities and practicing Entrepreneurship is the way forward. He then shared the mission and vision of LSIL and discussed the Incubation Program in detail. The second segment of the event was “Entrepreneurs of Lahore School” where 10 very dynamic alumni demonstrated their Businesses.

The last segment of the day was brain storming and discussion session where the guests and the panel gave their very valuable feedback on the Lahore School Incubation Lab. It was followed by a networking lunch on the campus.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11/27/2018 11:01:00 AM,

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