Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Passion on the Wheels: A Fireside Chat with Suneel Munj

Lahore School Incubation Lab in collaboration with the Lahore School Entrepreneurship and Business Society hosted a fireside chat with Suneel Munj on Thursday, February 21, 2019. Mr. Munj is the current Chairman and Co-Founder of PakWheels – a successful auto-traders in Pakistan.

Mr. Faizan Khalid, Head of the Lahore School Incubation Lab opened the discussion and moderated the whole talk. The focus of the conversation was about passion, and how it could be turned into a business. Mr. Munj talked about his personal struggles in business. His intense passion for cars, dedication and hard work pushed him forward to become a successful entrepreneur. He said that any one could go and start a business, but a real entrepreneur must know the art of problem solving. He said that when you solve a problem for people you gain loyal customers, as well as self-satisfaction and sense of achievement.

Mr. Munj advised that you should never be afraid of trying or failing he said that he failed many times and lost many deals but he has never let all those failures pull him down.

The event ended with a question answer session to make the discussion more interactive. The students actively took part by asking questions related to Mr. Munj’s entrepreneurial journey and obstacles that he had to face during this time. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the honesty and humor in his talk.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/23/2019 04:55:00 PM,

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