Lahore School and Oxford University Capacity Development Workshop for Government Officials
March 26, 2019
Dr. Waqar Wadho and Dr. Azam Chaudhry from the Lahore School of Economics and Dr. Matthew McCartney from Oxford University conducted a 2-day workshop on March 22nd and 23rd, 2019 for government officials from Punjab and Sindh. The workshop included officials from the Punjab Bureau of Statistics, the Sindh Bureau of Statistics, students and academics.
The objectives of the workshop were threefold: First, the workshop was an important opportunity for academics and policy makers to share their experiences and develop a deeper understanding about the main challenges involved in undertaking a large survey.
Second, the workshop provided an opportunity for discussions on some of the key issues faced by the designers and implementers of surveys internationally.
Third, the workshop allowed the researchers to introduce policy makers to an innovation survey that will be conducted with textile and apparel manufacturers in Punjab and Sindh and explain how the results of this survey can be analyzed by academics and government officials for use by policymakers.
The workshop included sessions on:
Survey Design and Implementation
Practical Issues in Data Collection
Innovation Survey
Innovation Survey Data Analysis and Econometrics
Ethics in Survey design and Data Collection
China Pakistan Economic Corridor
Qualitative Survey Techniques
Introduction to CAPI application
The lead organizer of the workshop was Dr. Wadho Wadho from the Lahore School of Economics and the workshop was an extremely successful example of the on-going collaboration between the Lahore School of Economics and leading academics, policy makers and industry representatives.
Labels: Lahore School, Oxford University, Workshop
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/26/2019 02:17:00 PM,
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