Human Side of an Organization
May 27, 2019
Mr. Suleman Ansar Khan, HR Head of FINCA, delivers a superb session to the MBAs at the Lahore School on the Human Side of an Organization on 17th April 2019. Mr. Suleman at the very beginning noted that the job will not come to you if you do not put in hard work because there is a lot of competition for fewer jobs.
The problem with interviews is that most people make up their minds about the candidate in a fraction of a second by looking how you look, dress up, your tonality (talk, walk), if you are slouched while sitting. Even during work employees develop “perception-based relationships”.
What you can do for pre-interview is to research on the skills that are needed and then make a resume which matches these skills. The HR can receive around 40,000 resumes for a few jobs and they have only had 10-20 seconds to look at each resume – Incorporate your skills through keywords into the resume.
Money will come to you later, first you need competence and skills.
Regarding work, remember that if you embarrass your boss by your bad work and he is embarrassed in front of his boss, then you are in trouble. Do not forget he has to report to his boss.
A good boss is one who challenges his subordinates by knowing their potential and by stretching them.
Coming on time, not gossiping, dressing nicely, taking care of hygiene and managing relationships with boss and peers can make you stand out.
The session was impressive and the students asked him a range of questions which he answered based on his rich experience of dealing with HR issues.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5/27/2019 10:30:00 AM,
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