Lahore School of Economics

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Digital Marketing: Strategy and Tactics

On 3 May 2021, Mr. Badar Khushnood, Cofounder, and Bramerz, and an alumnus of the Lahore School of Economics’ Master’s degree, visited the Lahore School on Zoom and delivered a session on “Digital Marketing: Strategy and Tactics” to the MBA cohort of 2020-1.

Characteristically, Badar began by introducing free tools to the MBAs to gain market insights digitally. The MBAs learnt how to use Facebook Audience Insights and Google Trends. He discussed Google Adwords and then showed how one could use some paid tools such as Zanroo to look at “sentiments analysis”.

He then revisited some classic marketing frameworks such as SWOT and PESTLE, and discussed them in the light of digital marketing. One of the key messages to the MBAs was that it would be shortsightedness to focus directly and wholly on the tactical side of digital marketing (putting xyz on social media) without spending time and effort on getting the “Big M” i.e. the strategy part right (e.g. analyzing company, customer and competition; and then strategizing around segmentation, targeting and positioning, amongst other things). And one could not keep on changing the Big M all the time, as positioning was quite sticky.

Badar introduced the PESO model of digital marketing (paid, earned, shared and owned) and stressed that “ownership” of assets such as one’s own website and one’s own content were key as the other three (PES) should be used with the ultimate objective of driving the traffic to the owned asset. Many companies finished their campaigns on the Facebook: One had to finish at one’s asset.

A key feature of Badar’s erudite and sparkling session was the reframing of digital marketing as a more precise, less costly and more measurable tool of marketing, rather than changing the “rules of marketing”. At the same time, Badar emphasized that digital marketers must be more “ethical” especially now when pattern detecting algorithms could now find out easily if some internet-based properties such as photographs had been lifted without permission.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5/05/2021 09:13:00 AM,

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