Independence Day Celebrations - 2022
August 15, 2022
As per the Lahore School tradition, Pakistan’s 75th Independence Day was celebrated on 14 August 2022 in the Lahore School of Economics Main Campus with national fervor and zeal. Dr Shahid Amjad Chaudhry, Rector Lahore School of Economics was the chief guest.
Senior Faculty, Administrative Staff and Support Staff attend the celebrations. Children and families were also present in the festivities of 75th Anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) of Pakistan’s Independence Day at the Lahore School.
Dr Shahid Amjad Chaudhry raised the national flag. Later, addressing the enthralled audience, the Rector gave an overview of the rich national history, what we have gained in the last 75 years and role of the Lahore School in the development of Pakistan. Other highlights of the day were thematic Cake Cutting, distribution of sweets and collective lunch in the main cafeteria.
Happy 75th Independence Day everyone.
Pakistan Zindabad, Lahore School Paindabad!
Labels: Independence Day, Lahore School, Pakistan
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8/15/2022 10:26:00 AM,
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