Dr. Ismat Beg is Professor of Mathematics at Lahore School of Economics. He is also a HEC Distinguished National Professor and Honorary Full Professor, Institute for Basic Research, Florida, (USA). He has PhD in Mathematics from University of Bucharest with specialization in functional analysis and operator theory. Dr. Beg is an internationally acknowledged scholar, researcher and teacher in the field of mathematical sciences. He has served as Professor in various prestigious Universities/Institutes nationally and internationally. Dr. Beg is a Fellow of Pakistan Academy of Sciences. His research work (270 published research papers and three books) has great diversity and is well cited by other researchers. His present research interests are in preference modeling and multi-criteria decision making, fixed point theory, best approximations and fuzzy relations/multi-valued functions. He has supervised twelve M. Phil. dissertations, seven Ph.D. theses and ten post-doctoral researchers. He was awarded Pakistan Academy of Sciences Gold Medal in 2008. He was also awarded first prize in mathematics for research by National Book Council of Pakistan, Government of Pakistan in 1986. He has completed as principal investigator twelve research projects. He is an elected fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (UK), a Chartered Mathematician and a Chartered Scientist. Dr. Beg is a senior member of London Mathematical Society. The access to his research articles is provided by: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ismat_Beg/ & http://www.researcherid.com/rid/C-3015-2008
Professor Beg roles as teacher and mentor are also exceptional, and are felt well beyond national boundaries. He has promoted the cause of mathematics in general and of functional analysis in particular by organizing series of symposia and conferences both national and regional. He is also member of board of studies of several universities. He is member of Editorial Board of twelve international journals. He is also a reviewer of Zentralblatt Fur Mathematik (Germany), Mathematical Review (USA) and The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Dr. Beg is a member of European Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts, International Rough Set Society, Society for Mathematics of Uncertainty, All Pakistan Mathematical Association and Punjab Mathematical Society.
Dr. Beg’s recent publications are listed
Labels: Faculty
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/16/2023 04:25:00 PM,

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