Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Learning With Computers

No matter what program students are pursuing, information and educational technologies can and are playing a pivotal role in studies these days. Just how studies are enhanced by technology? My to-ing and fro-ing in the labs and chatting with some of the users there (well, face to face) reveal how they have integrated computers in their learning.

At the Lahore School, the use of technology has been introduced -- five computer labs as well as work stations in the quite study zones of libraries at both City and Main Campuses. All computers are branded and connected (microwave connectivity at the Main and HDSL at the city campus); printing and scanning facilities are available. Educational programs like SPSS, Eview, Minitab and State Graphics are loaded and work stations have been designed for individual as well as syndicate work. Any problem, Imran Dawood is forthcoming with help to trouble shoot. (Students can ask him for help on systems at home as well.)

Faiza Inam, Bsc 2, who wants to excel in economics studies, says, “I do all my assignments and projects in the lab. It is easy here. All the required programs are available and I can utilize free time between classes. It is even easier when working in a group. I browse research and do a lot of other stuff like checking emails or playing some times.”

“I search and brows for the information that helps me stay ahead of others in class discussions,” says Syed Muhammad Hassan MBA 1.

“I am not a computer enthusiast (read geek) but using computer lab is a musty for every student these days,” says Sana Ateeq, MBA 1, “You are required to give in-class presentations (there are so many here) and one need to use computers and data projectors in the classrooms. Those who still haven’t found any use for the computers can think of term papers they are required to write. You can do your research on the web through the computer labs, including searching the university library catalog. And you can use the word processing facilities to write the term paper, and then finish off by printing it on our laser printers.”

“Computer labs are one of the most productive hangouts on the Campus,” students think.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/06/2004 02:37:00 PM,

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