Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Professor Fareed A. Fareedy

Professor Fareed A. Fareedy did his MBA (Marketing and Finance) from Long Island University, New York and MA Economics from the New School University, New York and also PhD (ABD, all but dissertation) in economics from the same University. He has been teaching in different national and foreign institutions since 1982 before joining Lahore School of Economics. In his last position in the United States, he served, till early 2004, as the Chairman of the Department of Economics-Government-History at the Union County College, New Jersey.

Professor Fareedy has written books titled An Economic Solution to the Poverty in Pakistan, An Introduction to Marketing Management’ and numerous research studies for organizations like ILO and the World Bank, and other research articles that have appeared in newspapers and magazines.

On the job prospects for the economics graduates, Professor Fareedy says, “Economics study is one of the best preparations for a career these days; it always was. In addition to economic consulting work in both the private and public sectors, employment prospects in government, administration, sales, finance, investment banking, and venture capital are enhanced with an economics degree.”

“Globalization is changing the nature of business and it comes to Pakistan with new challenges. Our economics and business graduates are the future executives, who will bring in our country in line with the modern world,” Professor Fareedy adds.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/18/2004 01:03:00 PM,

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