Student Industry Interaction
October 13, 2004
During their interaction while in the the Lahore School, students learn from business experiences and expertise through students industries interaction, and they benefit from industral resources. In turn, they give back to the industries through improved performance and greater commitment to their future in the field. And this student industry interaction is not only a great way to test the academic waters now but also to experience some of the joys and frustrations of learning.
Such initiatives are mostly taken by the educational institutions. But when local industries give back to education, it creates a win-win-win situation for students as well as the industry.
Industries have much to offer to students. They can discuss a recent case history or research study, present a new business strategy, or address a current industry issue with the students. Students love to hear professionals talk about their business and tell it like it is. Experience shows that most professionals and industry leaders feel gratified by the interest and appreciation shown by the students in classrooms or while students bodies happen to be visiting the site.
Industries can involve students in many other ways. Like every industry has research reports, directories, newsletters and other data that are periodically updated and through them companies can provide valuable information to students. Students are always thrilled to have current information. What better way to educate students about real-world challenges than by showcasing success stories? Industry leaders can also learn and get a feel for what students are capable of, which is helpful in recruiting.
Students need real-world work experience to learn and succeed. Companies that offer internships and training to undergraduate students provide a win-win situation. Students get professional, on-the-job experience; companies get inexpensive, part-time help and the opportunity to recruit the best graduates and develop others who can better contribute to the industry. Companies that can't offer paid and full time internship may offer a shadow day. Students interested in specific industries and careers can be invited to shadow a professional during a day's worth of activities. Shadowing is an eye-opening experience for students, and a good recruiting and networking opportunity for you.
Industry can also offer grant money to support research in specific areas. Arrange with learning institutions to conduct proprietary research by their students. These contributions provide rich research experiences and build the industry's body of knowledge.
Labels: Industry Academia Linkage
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/13/2004 10:14:00 AM,
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