Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Academic route best for business

Personal scouting of senior executives and human resources managers in different firms in the corporate sector reveals many are looking to MBAs and business graduates instead in-house developed staff in corporate Pakistan. This is a major shift in the market which relied on non-MBA owners and traditionally trained executives.

Businesses now believe the benefits of business schools does outweigh every thing else in the competitive and technology dependent business world of today.

The programs in best business schools incorporate work-based challenges, coaching and mentoring, alongside more traditional training and development. They are also closely aligned to business challenges and goals, as well as individual development needs.

Findings show that companies, which rely purely on traditional resources training in the past, are eventually becoming dissatisfied because their executives were never exposed to modern education.

The big attraction of an MBA in Lahore School is that here students are put through to learn different ways of doing things, and learn business practices in consonance with the demands of the time.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1/05/2005 10:49:00 AM,

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