Lahore School of Economics

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SCSU Scholars

King Banaian’s blog site SCSUScholars is very useful for students of economics who want to broaden their intellectual horizon. Apart from discussing events of interest at St. Cloud State University and elsewhere, King Banaian has published classroom notes for his students. He says, “These are notes written after rather than before a class I taught over 23 May - 11 June 2005. I have an unwritten outline for each class, but occasionally the class veers towards a topic I did not plan on but decided to incorporate. I journal these after class to have a record of what was said.” These notes are a wonderful resource for any economic student. See the notes here.

King Banaian is the head of the Economics Department at St. Cloud State University, Minnesota.

Thanks to Assistant Professor Dr. Douglas Bass (at the University of St. Thomas, in the state of Minnesota) for visiting Lahore School of Economics Blogsite and sending link to is the SCSUScholars.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/09/2005 08:44:00 AM,

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