Dr. Theresa Chaudhry
August 10, 2011
Dr. Theresa Thompson Chaudhry received a BS in Foreign Service from Georgetown University and MA and PhD degrees in Economics from the University of Maryland – College Park. She joined the faculty of the Lahore School of Economics in 2005. Previously, she worked with the World Bank in Washington, DC. She teaches microeconomics in the B.Sc and MS/MPhil Economics programs. Her publications have appeared in the South Asia Economic Journal, Trimestre Economico, the Pakistan Development Review, and the Lahore Journal of Economics. She also serves as Editor (with Azam Chaudhry) of The Lahore Journal of Economics. Her areas of interest include economic development, applied microeconomics, industrial organization, and experimental economics. Her current research projects are: The economics of consanguineous marriage (with Mushfiq Mobarak, Yale University) and Incentives and productivity in the Gujrat fan sector (with Chris Woodruff, University of Warwick).
Her personal website is: https://sites.google.com/site/theresachaudhry/
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Labels: Faculty
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8/10/2011 02:01:00 PM,
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