Lahore School Spring Festival - 2006
March 27, 2006
This year the Lahore School celebrated spring on Mar 26, 2006. The event started with Laret by Chitrkar, and rounded off with Battle of Bands, Cricket and Basket Ball matches, fun, color galore and a whole lot in between.
When nip of winters yield to moderate and pleasant spring season and when trees start wearing new leaves, festive frame prevails at the Lahore School of Economics where students and faculty mark the advent of the season with Spring Festival — now famous as one of the annual tradition of the School. Over the years it has become an event where above and beyond students and teachers, their friends and families assemble at the Main Campus to be part of these festivities.
The Main Campus of the Lahore School that is known for its beautiful gardens. Exquisite environment of the School was specially decorated for the occasion. The whole premises gave a look of a big flower basket. In addition, brightly dressed flocks of folk entertainers performing for cheering audience added new touch to the landscape. Walking along the walkways — from spanking new parking spot to the café — shining in pristine glory gave an idea of aesthetic sense of all those who belong to the Lahore School. Even the bushes and hedges were decorated, giving walkways a dazzling look.
It was in this milieu that Dr. Azam Chaudhry welcomed the participants and M A K Chaudhry, the Chairman Lahore School Board of Directors cut the spring festival cake.
Labels: Campus Life, Lahore School
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/27/2006 09:15:00 AM,
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