On Campus Presentations and Interviews - 2005
April 08, 2006
Following presentations and interviews were held in Lahore School of Economics during 2005:
- Coca Cola/Sprite Zero presentation in City Campus in April, 2005.
- UBL presentation in Main Campus in June, 2005.
- Union Bank presentation in Main Campus on July 6, 2006.
- Proctor and Gamble Pakistan presentation in Main Campus on July 09, 2005.
- Recruitment Drive on July 19, 2005 and Interviews on August 25, 2005.
- Shell Pakistan presentation in Main Campus on 18, June, 2005 and interviews on August, 2, 2005.
- Standard Chartered Bank presentation in Main Campus on August 16, 2005
Labels: Industry Academia Linkage
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/08/2006 01:41:00 PM,
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Phones: 37254099, 37254311