Lahore School of Economics Admission
May 18, 2006
This is an admission season at Lahore School of Economics (Applications dead line: Jun 30, 2006). Students are looking for best university and making decisions to join best programmes that suit them. How can students and parents make an informed decision? Here is my suggestion.
You are probably on summer vacations anyway. Why not visit LSE Campuses? Feel the environment, meet members faculty or listen to admission managers. After you have been there, you can make a more careful appraisal and more informed decision.
More details here
Labels: Admission, Lahore School
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5/18/2006 10:50:00 AM,
City Campus
104 - C, Gulberg III,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Phones: 92-42-35714936, 38474385
Fax: 92-42-36560905
Main Campus
Intersection Main Boulevard Phase VI
Burki Road
Lahore, Pakistan.
Phones: 37254099, 37254311