Lahore Journal of Policy Studies
April 08, 2006
The Centre for Research, Lahore School of Economics is going to bring out a bi-annual journal of Policy Studies. It will publish articles by eminent writers on inter-disciplinary subjects. The first issue will be out by July. It will also contain articles based on policy-oriented research conducted by the Centre for Research. The Journal will be non-technical and will be of common interest for all social scientists including economists, political scientists, sociologists and administrators.
We would welcome contributions as long as they are not published elsewhere. The articles submitted will be subject to review by the Editorial Board and some external reviewer. Articles on any topic can be submitted to Dr. Muneer Ahamad, Senior Research Fellow/Editor. The e-mail address is:
[By Dr. Salman Ahmad]
Labels: Lahore Journal of Policy Studies
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/08/2006 01:44:00 PM,
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