Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

LUMUN 2006

Lahore School Association of Debaters participated in LUMS Model United Nations (LUMUN) from Nov 28 to Dec 3, 2006.

Countries assigned to Lahore School were Azerbaijan and East Timor. Lahore school stood third best delegation of LUMUN and best delegation in Lahore. Lahore school won five Best Delegate Diplomacy awards and five Honorary Mentions in different committees of MUN.

Best Delegates: Omer Imtiaz (DISEC), Sharam Niazi (SPECPOL), Abdual Rafay (SoCHUM), Omer Anwer (FAO), Ameera Safdar (DISEC).

Honorary Mentions: Sohaib Shahid (WTO), Omer Mustafa (FAO), Sohail Anwer (MEMS), Ali Hassan Paracha (UNDP), Ahmed Baber (WTO).


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12/11/2006 01:59:00 PM,

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