Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Lahore School on Management of the Pakistan Economy: Growth, Trade and Development

The Fifth Annual Conference on Management of the Pakistan Economy is being held in Lahore School of Economics (Center for Research in Economics and Business) on 20-21 April, 2009. The underlying objective of the conference is to promote dialogue/discussion on key economic management and policy issues facing the country today. A distinguished economist or senior policy maker will be asked to present the keynote address, while eminent economists from the region will be invited to present papers or participate in the panel sessions. The papers and proceedings of the conference will be published in a special issue of the Lahore Journal of Economics.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/17/2009 03:09:00 PM,

President of KASB Bank Visit the Lahore School

Naila Hafeez

Muneer Kamal, the President of KASB Bank visited the Lahore School of Economics and delivered a talk to students of MBA and MSc (Economics) on February 12, 2009. He focused on the areas like Global Economic Slowdown, Meltdown of Financial Sector, Massive Liquidity Crunch. The talk was followed by questions and answers session.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/16/2009 03:05:00 PM,

From Sales to Channel and Customer Development

Naila Hafeez

Noeman Shirazi, the Vice President and Director CNCD Unilever gave a presentation to the MBA and MSc (Economics) students on February 11, 2009. The theme of his lecture was "From sales to channel and customer development." In addition, the Director CNCD Unilever gave an overview of the company and the various products. The lecture that was also attended by faculty members and followed questions and answers session.Read more »


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/16/2009 02:58:00 PM,

Chief Executive and President Engro Chemical Visits Lahore School

Naila Hafeez

Asad Umer, the Chief Executive and President of Engro Chemical Pakistan Ltd visited Lahore School of Economics and gave a presentation to students of MBA and MSc (Economics). Asad Umer gave a brief history of Engro Chemical and covered core values of the company. He also threw light on the sales, production and profits of the company. The presentation was followed by questions answers session and was also attended by faculty members.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/02/2009 01:23:00 PM,

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