Lahore School of Economics

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International Financial Crisis and the Role of IMF: The View from Pakistan's Youth

A Lahore School of Economics – IMF Roundtable Discussion “International Financial Crisis and the Role of IMF: The View from Pakistan's Youth,” is being jointly hosted by the Lahore School of Economics and the IMF Pakistan Office, at the Lahore School of Economics, on February 22, 2010.

The discussion would focus on: The current international financial crisis and its national and international effects, implications of the international financial crisis on future economic policymaking, how will it affect economic liberalization, deregulation, and the role of the state? What can be done to prevent a similar crisis from reoccurring? How will the new landscape affect opportunities for addressing the region’s most pressing economic challenges, such as the need to provide employment opportunities, boost competitiveness, and find new sources of sustainable and equitable growth? And, what role can the IMF play in this respect?

At this round table discussion, students will be able to voice their opinion on these topics and propose new ideas regarding the IMF’s dialogue with Pakistan and its support for the international economic community currently and in the coming years.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/20/2010 12:02:00 PM,

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