Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

The South Asian Economics Students Meet Dhaka, Bangladesh

The South Asian Economics Students Meet (SAESM) is a discussion forum for South Asian undergraduate students to interact and introduce fresh international perspectives on economic development, motivating contemporaries to think beyond textbooks. In particular, this conference is an attempt to discuss the impact of economic development on different aspects of South Asian economy-agriculture, industry, trade, infrastructure, poverty and entrepreneurship from the perspective of a learning economics student.

The meet attempts to bring together the students pursuing the undergraduate program in economics in South Asian countries and provide them a platform to learn about the development of this region. This year SAESM returned to Dhaka with much bigger anticipation as the reputation of the conference has grown over time. It was held on Dec 9th and 10th 2009 by the Economics Department of the Dhaka University. SAESM primarily comprised three categories: Theme paper submission and presentation, the Budding Economist competition, and the Quiz competition.

At SAESM 2009 five countries namely Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka participated with each country having a delegation of ten participants. Team Pakistan consisted of two students from the Lahore School of Economics and eight students from Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). Tawha Ahmed (BSC IV sec A) participated in the theme paper submission category and presented a paper on the topic of SME Development while Asha Gul (BSC IV sec A) contested the Budding Economist category.

Related: Lahore School at South Asian Economics Students’ Meet

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/09/2010 01:28:00 PM,

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