The Lahore School Debate Results
February 08, 2011
LUMS won both the Urdu Parliamentary and English Parliamentary Competitions at the Lahore School Debate and Declamation 2011
English Category:
Best Speaker: Junaid Bin Naeem from PAF Academy Risalpur
Runner Up: Kamran Hussain from GCU
Consolation: Tamara Saleem from SISA
Urdu Category:
Best Speaker: Sayyeda Sana from Agriculture University Faisalabad
Runner Up: Waleed Ahmad from PAF Academy Risalpur
Consolation: Israr ul Hasan from Punjab University
Best Speaker English Parliamentary Debate was awarded to Fatima Bukhari from UCL
Best Speaker Urdu Parliamentary Debate was awarded to Ali Zafar from GCU
PAF Academy Wins Declamation Competition at the Lahore School Debate and Declamation 2011
Labels: Debates
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/08/2011 10:09:00 PM,
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