Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

The Importance of Brands

Rubab Gardezi, Marketing Manager at Kansai Paints came to the Lahore School of Economics to talk to students of MBA II about ‘Branding’. Rubab Gardezi is an alumnus of the Lahore School from the Class of 2001. She gave an interactive lecture, involving students by taking examples from their own personal lives and explaining the examples as well. She also explained brand equity and its measurement to the students.

Rubab spoke of the importance of social media in this day and age for branding, especially in the Pakistani context. Through her experiences, she gave tips and tricks used by companies in creating a brand and maintaining the image of the brand. She also advised the students to trust their gut feeling after taking in consideration of all the factors when making an important decision. Her expertise in marketing and her experiences in her career allowed students of the Lahore School to take home a valuable lesson for marketing, and how to think as consumers.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5/28/2012 01:44:00 PM,

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